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Archives: FAQs

Should I have the air ducts cleaned?

Not necessarily. According to the US EPA, duct cleaning has never been shown to prevent health problems or reduce particles in home indoor air. Learn more here. Nevertheless, if you are considering hiring a company to clean ducts in your home, consult the US EPA document for advice on choosing a reputable company and other … Continued

Should I use an air purifier to improve the air quality in my home?

According to CARB, cleaning and ventilation are the best ways to improve indoor air quality and “if these actions do not resolve indoor air quality problems, sensitive individuals may benefit from using a central air filter or a good air cleaner in one or more rooms of the house.” If you choose to use an … Continued

What is being done to guarantee worker health and safety?

Wildfire smoke and cleanup presents hazards that employers and workers in affected regions must understand. Smoke from wildfires contains chemicals, gases and fine particles that can harm health. Hazards continue even after fires have been extinguished and cleanup work begins. Proper protective equipment and training is required for worker safety in wildfire regions. Cal/OSHA encourages … Continued

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