On December 7, 2017, the Board of Public Utilities approved Billing Adjustments for Fire Protection Water Use policy. The policy allows for a billing adjustment for properties that experienced increased use due to fire related water loss and activities during the month of October 2017. For all account types, water use must be higher than prior water use, compared to same time last year. The amount of additional usage will be billed at the City’s FY 2017-18 wholesale rate per thousand gallons for potable water ($2.60) or recycled water ($0.82). The difference between the rate billed and the wholesale rate, per thousand gallons of excess use, will be reflected on a future bill as a credit.
Applying for Water Bill Relief
To request an adjustment to your bill for additional water use due to fire protection, please visit srcity.org/waterbillrelief and fill out the form by June 1, 2018. After submitting your request, please allow 8-12 weeks for the adjustment to be made.
If you have any questions regarding the water bill relief, please send an email to revenue@srcity.org