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Category: County of Sonoma

Health Officer Order For Debris Removal

Link to Press Release Emergency Order Of The Sonoma County Health Officer Prohibiting The Endangerment Of The Community Through The Unsafe Removal, Transport, And Disposal Of Fire Debris Santa Rosa, CA  –  October 24, 2017 at 4:45 PM  –  WHEREAS the potential for widespread toxic exposures and threats to public health and the environment exists in the aftermath of … Continued

Sonoma Local Assistance Center Opened

The County of Sonoma and the City of Santa Rosa have opened a Local Assistance Center (LAC) in partnership with FEMA and the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES). There are two Local Assistance Centers available for residents who have been impacted by the fires: The Santa Rosa Local Assistance Center is designed as a one-stop shop with … Continued

Debris Removal Press Conference

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 22, 2017  CONTACT: 707-573-4765 Debris Removal Press Conference SANTA ROSA, CA – The State of California is launching the largest wildfire clean up in the Golden State’s history on Monday, October 23rd, following the unprecedented North Bay Fire Storm. The first phase of the cleanup will be household hazardous waste and debris … Continued

Evacuation Orders Lifted for Areas of Glen Ellen

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Link to Press Release October 22, 2017 at 12:30 PM Evacuation Orders Lifted for Areas of Glen Ellen Santa Rosa, CA  –  As of 12:30 p.m. today, Sunday October 22nd, the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office is lifting evacuation orders in portions of the Glen Ellen community that fall within the burn zone. This area will be … Continued

County of Sonoma Prepares for Re-entry into Burn Zones (Unincorporated Areas)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 21, 2017 MEDIA CONTACT: 707-573-4765 PUBLIC CONTACT: 707-565-3856 Link to Nixle Alert SANTA ROSA, CA – The County of Sonoma has been preparing for residents to reenter and inspect their homes and properties affected by recent wildfires. This re-entry needs to be conducted safely and in an orderly manner. The process … Continued

New area open: Bennett Valley and Kenwood

October 21, 2017 1:15 p.m. Link to Nixle Alert The Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office is opening the county areas of Bennett Valley and Kenwood areas to limited, restricted re-entry of burned out areas. Only residents and property owners will be allowed entry into these areas. There are two checkpoints for entry. They will be at … Continued

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