Santa Rosa — In an unprecedented show of collaboration between agencies, Sonoma Clean Power (SCP), the public electricity provider for Sonoma and Mendocino counties, is partnering with Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) to offer up to $17,500 in incentives for property owners in Sonoma and Mendocino counties who are rebuilding homes lost in the October 2017 wildfires.
The new Advanced Energy Rebuild Program is an enhancement to PG&E’s long-standing California Advanced Homes Program and offers two incentive packages specially tailored to Sonoma and Mendocino county homes. Both packages offer incentives for rebuilding with energy efficient features and equipment, renewable energy systems, electric vehicle charging stations, and water-efficient landscaping.
“We’ve been working closely with our partner agencies and homeowners to design a program that truly represents the need of the community and helps residents rebuild more resilient, energy efficient homes,” said Rachel Kuykendall, Programs Manager at Sonoma Clean Power.
The integrated incentive programs marks the first time the companies have partnered together on such a program; providing customers access to multiple funding sources through one simple, online application process.
“Providing incentives to build energy-efficient homes will not only help residents as they recover from the devastating North Bay fires, but will also benefit the region by reducing air quality impacts and combating the effects of climate change,” said Jack Broadbent, executive officer of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District.
The Advanced Energy Rebuild Program launched April 25 and is expected to run through the end of 2019 or until funding is exhausted.
Incentives are only available to SCP and PG&E customers for homes in Sonoma and Mendocino counties that were destroyed in the October 2017 wildfires. For more information, requirements or to apply, please visit: or email
Sonoma Clean Power is a not-for-profit public agency, which is the public electricity provider for Sonoma and Mendocino counties. SCP offers local control, choice, cleaner electricity, and lower greenhouse gas emissions at competitive rates.
For more information, visit or call 855-202-2139.